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Entity Discovery

There is a huge difference in the overall purpose of a car dealership and a city police department. Without giving it much thought, we can see how the two have completely different big picture goals for their signs. Not starting with a general understanding of how the over-arching purpose of the sign should drive our strategy, and decisions customizing our strategy will lead to future frustrations in using your digital sign as an effective tool.

At Project Content we categorize these entities into 6 different types:

  • Government – Police, Fire department, City building
  • School – Grade school, College, Trade school
  • Not-For-Profit – Industry association, Charity, Community center
  • Business: Retail – Liquor store, Gas station, Restaurant, Shopping center, Hotel
  • Business: Non-Retail – Corporate HQ, Office park
  • Business: Professional Svc. – Law firm, CPA, Financial advisor, Real estate broker

If you want to learn more specifically on how these entity types should use their signs, download our free Content Playbook. There’s a ton of information available, and it could be especially helpful if you fall under one of the above categories. Click below to check it out!